Other Offices
Abandoned Vehicles |
619-525-8423 | |
Animal Control / Dead animal pick-up | 619-390-8204 | |
Emergencies | 619-236-2341 | |
Shelter | 619-263-7741 | |
Certificates & Records Birth, Death, Marriage | 619-237-0502 | |
District Attorney | 619-531-4040 | |
Environmental Health Information | 619-338-2222 | |
Noise | 858-694-3550 | |
Family Planning | 619-229-7990 | |
Municipal Courts | 619-441-4734 | |
Planning & Land Use Information | 858-694-2960 | |
Zoning | 619-565-5981 | |
Public Works Information | 858-694-2212 | |
Sewer | 858-694-2109 | |
Street Lighting | 858-694-2198 | |
Tree Removal | 858-694-3275 |
Spring Valley Community Planning Group
The purpose of the group is to advise the San Diego County Department of Planning and Land Use, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors on matters of planning and land use affecting Spring Valley south of Highway 94. Members are volunteers and locally elected representing the interests of the people of Spring Valley. Items heard by the group include but are not limited to: Site Plans, Signs, Roads & Infrastructure, Parks & Recreation, Lot Splits, 2nd Dwelling Units, Day Care, Alcohol License, Tree Removal, Re-Zones.
The group meets the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM at:
Otay Water District
Lower Level Training Room
2554 Sweetwater Springs Blvd.
Spring Valley, CA 91978
Point of Contact: Lora Lowes
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Contact Lora if you want to be on the agenda email distribution list.
Valle de Oro Community Planning Group
P. O. Box 936
La Mesa, CA 91944